Can I Submit IGNOU Assignments Through Speed Post? A Comprehensive Guide

Can I Submit IGNOU Assignments Through Speed Post? A Comprehensive Guide

Can I Submit IGNOU Assignments Through Speed Post?


Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest open universities in the world, providing flexible and accessible education to millions of students. As an IGNOU student, you may have wondered, “Can I submit IGNOU assignments through speed post?” This detailed tutorial promises to answer all of your questions about using quick post-turns in IGNOU assignments. Whether you are a new student or a seasoned learner, we’ve got you covered with the information you need to ensure a seamless assignment submission process.

Benefits of Submitting IGNOU Assignments Through Online

Submitting IGNOU assignments Online offers several advantages:

i. Convenience

Online allows you to submit your assignments from the comfort of your home. The simple nature of use is particularly advantageous for learners who live in remote locations.

ii. Time-Saving

Visiting the study centre in person to submit assignments can be time-consuming, especially for students with busy schedules. Online eliminates the need for physical visits, saving valuable time.

iii. Reliable and Secure

Online Submission is a reliable and secure mode of sending documents. It ensures that your assignment reaches its destination safely.

iv. Confirmation of Delivery

With the online method, you receive a confirmation of delivery once your assignment reaches the destination. This confirmation acts as proof of submission.

v. Avoidance of Penalties

Submitting assignments through the online method helps you avoid late submission penalties, as long as you send the assignment before the due date.

Method to submit IGNOU Assignment:

Can I Submit IGNOU Assignments Through Speed Post?

Online Method to Submit IGNOU Assignment

  • Students must first provide all necessary information on the first page of the assignment, such as their name or learner’s name, enrollment number, study center code, regional center code, program code, valid phone number, valid email address, etc.
  • Considering everything mentioned above, you should visit the official website.
  • Now, use the information provided above to set up an email address online.
  • Next, you must use a computer, mobile device, or other scanners to scan the assignment and create a PDF file.
  • It is now necessary for this PDF file to upload to a working email account.
  • Following that, you must forward this primary to the correct regional center.
  • Before sending your assignment, make sure it is complete and adheres to the guidelines provided in the assignment question paper. Double-check for any errors, grammatical mistakes, or missing information. Ensure that your assignment is well-organized and presented neatly.
  • The submission of the IGNOU assignment is now complete.

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Can I Submit IGNOU Assignments Through Speed Post?

The answer is neither, nor both because there is not the same process at all study centres, where you have to go physically and submit assignments and assignments through email or speed post at any study centre!

Most of the study centers require you to submit assignments physically, so you can visit your study centre or call to find out how to submit work in the upcoming session.

During COVID-19, IGNOU had submitted assignments online by email and through Google form, This process is still being followed by many study centres but no one study centre is submitting assignments through speed post.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I submit IGNOU assignments through speed post for all courses?
A: No, you can not submit IGNOU assignments through a speed post. By following the outlined steps given above for submitting an IGNOU Online Assignment via Email, you can ensure a smooth and timely submission process.

Q: Is speed post the only way to submit IGNOU assignments remotely?
A: No, besides speed post, you can submit assignments via Email. However, speed post is a recommended option due to its tracking and reliability.

Q: How long does it take for the assignments to reach the IGNOU center through speed post?
A: The delivery time may vary depending on the location of the center and the destination. It usually takes 2-5 business days for the assignments to reach the center.

Q: Can I use speed post to track my assignment during transit?
A: Yes, most speed post services offer tracking facilities. You can monitor the status and location of your assignment using the tracking number provided on the receipt.

Q: What should I do if my assignment does not reach the center on time?
A: If your assignment doesn’t reach the center on time, you can contact the postal service or visit the nearest post office for assistance. It is advisable to keep a copy of your assignment for reference.

Q: Is it mandatory to send assignments through speed post, or can I submit them in person?
A: While speed post is a convenient option, you can also submit your assignments in person at the designated regional or study center. The choice is yours.


In conclusion, No, you can not submit IGNOU assignments through a speed post. By following the outlined steps given above for submitting an IGNOU Online Assignment via Email, you can ensure a smooth and timely submission process. Take advantage of the online facilities provided by IGNOU to monitor the status of your assignment during online submission.

Save time, avoid penalties, and enjoy the convenience of submitting your assignments from the comfort of your home. Remember to keep the online receipt safe as proof of submission. Embrace this hassle-free method, and focus on excelling in your academic journey with IGNOU.


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